Chase's Website

What I have learned in Gita so far?

After almost year of doing Gita I've learned many things on code. Last school year I learned C# and how to use visual studios. This year I learned how to style in html and how to code in javascript

Future educational goals?

I currently have many future goals for my education. First off I want to get in a good collage. I don't care what collage i just want to make it into a good one. Right now I play highschool tennis so I want to do the same in collage by making it's team. Since I am doing Gita right now I want to finish all the way to Gita 4 and help many people with programing.

My future career goals?

Currently I don't know what I want to do as a career but I have some ideas. My first thought was to maybe go pro in tennis since I have been practicing very hard. Another rout it to become a programmer like my mom, and I also have the experience from Gita.

What Ap class am I taking?

Currently I take only one AP class in highschool. This class is Gita 2 aka Ap Science Principles. Next year I defently want to do more AP classes so I can higher my Gpa.

What is the Gita program about?

The Gita program is about teachin children about programing. Since programing is becoming more needed in the world the ita program offers help to educate student on how to program. In Gita you learn not only one computer programing langauge but many such as Javascript and C#.

What clubs do I do?

I am in three different clubs at my school. The first club I do is the Ping Pong club. Since I do tennis I think Ping Pong can help me with my hand eye coordination. The second club I do is the Red Cross Club. The Red Closs Club is basically to help the need and provide supplies for them. My third club is Key club. The Key club is where the student volunteer. The Key Club helps me get volunteering hours for Collage.

What community service am I involved with?

I am involved in a bit of community service. I volunteer in the Key and Red Cross clubs to help people in need. I also am going to volunteer at a chinese school to help children learn the language.

I am like Miles Moralas because I am brave and smart.

School adress and phone number:

Adress-789 N Wildcat Way, Brea, CA 92821
Phone-(714) 990-7850
BOHS Website

Chat GPT Project


This project shows a presentaion on Chat GPT.

Technology Page Roleovers


This project shows a slideshow on my personal favorite piece of technology.

Business Card


Created a buisness card for a fake buisness I created.



This project has 15 graphics that represent me.

Merchandice Store


Created a web page on any theme I wanted.



Simulates rolling two dice and calculates the sum and probility.

Merchandice Upgrade


An upgrade from the Merchandice Upgrade that adds discounts for sibilings and grade.

Vegas Craps Game


Place your bets and roll to win by rolling 7 or 11 or lose by rolling 2,3, or 12.

Circle Bounce


Two circles bounce around the canvas and if they collide they bounce opposite ways and change color.

Basic Space Invader


A game that makes an invader that moves left and right and your goal is to shoot it before it hits you.



Control a tank that can move in four different directions that can shoot all four directions. To win you have to shoot a target that moves randomly.

Multiple Circle Bounce


Spawns circles at random sizes, color, and speed. Circles and the rectangle bounce of the walls and if the rectangle touches any circle that circle will change to a random color.



A submarine that moves down, left, and right. The sub always goes up and the fish swim independently and can face left and right that moves away from the sub. If the small fish touches any of the other fish it will loose health so it's the players job to move the other fish away from it so they don't loose.

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