Chase's Aka Chad's GITA 1 Page

This is my webpage for GITA 1. We
are studying C#. Its my first year of GITA. It difficult to learn but its what I
call hard fun.

About Page


In this project, I learned how to use buttons, change color of font, add images, and change font.

Mailing Label


In this project, I learned how to combine texts and learn how to display users inputs.

Car Rental


In this project, I learned how to calculate a average and use math in code.

Body Mass Index


In this project, I learned how to make a BMI calculator displaying a weekly diet plan, the bmi, and a average bmi of the people that used the calculator.

Car Rental Upgrade


In this project, I learned how to use radio buttons and checkboxes.

Triangle Checker


In this project, I learned how to calculate a triangle off a users imputs and identifies the triangle. Then the program calculates the average for each kind of triangle.

Craps Game


In this project, I learned how to do a random role for dice an code for a point just like a real point in the real Vegas Craps Game.

Taco Shop


In this project, I learned how to code for tax and using textboxes to display messages.

Slot Machine


In this project, I learned how to code for depositing money and letting the user place bids.

Rock Paper Scissor Lizard Spock


In this project, I learned how to code for a Rock Paper Scissors like game allowing two users to play against each other.

Incremental Game


In this project, I made a Cookie Clicker like game allowing the user to click on a picture earning them a bannana. After a certain amount of bannanas you can buy upgrades to allow you get more bannanas. I also learned how to code for a animation and sound.